Saturday, June 29, 2013

And we are off...

Yes, it is another trip to Cherokee, NC. Not going to bore you with any details, but it is a riders paradise; road or mountain. This yea, my goal is to find road lesser traveled with tons of elevation. One that I am going for is a little section from rt 19 to the top of Seffacoo road. This little jaunt takes you from a "mere" 2000 ft to 3784 just over 4 miles-ouch. I am not even sure why I want to do this. My fear is that it leads to somebody's home that doesnt like cyclists. I imagine seeing signs like..."we eat cyclists", or "we like cyclists HANGING around here." Yeah, maybe a little paranoid, but it is NC and in the middle of nowhere. It has been a little damp down below as told to me by my inside sources in Bryson City, so I may be on the road bike a little more this year.

My goal is to come away with 30,000-40,000 ft in the 2 weeks I will be there. I
am guessing I will be worn out by the end as well. Not sure if I will make the Clingmans Dome trip as it has not been in the cards in the last two years with two failed attempts due to a tornado and bad weather. It is a nice 4,800ft + climb to the top with no flats...all climbing, bleek.

I am really looking forward to breaking my 45 year old body this year.

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